Body Corporate Choice – Service is What We Do Best

The Body Corporate & Body Corporate Managers

What is a Body Corporate

A body corporate is a legal entity which is created when land is subdivided and registered under the Land Title Act 1994 to establish a community titles scheme.

All of the owners in a community titles scheme are automatically members of the body corporate when they buy their lot.


If a body corporate has chosen a committee, the body corporate manager is engaged to help the committee. The manager can only do what the body corporate asks them to.

The duties of the manager are contained in the written engagement entered into with the body corporate. (Our role as stated in our Agreement as follows:-)

  • Call for nomination of candidates for election to Committee and other officers at the Annual General Meeting
  • Convene the Annual General Meeting and Committee Meetings as required. Issue all notices pertaining thereto.
  • Attend the Meetings as agreed (2 meetings per annum)
  • Prepare Minutes of meetings
  • Maintain the Roll in accordance with the Act and record all notices relating thereto.
  • Attend to correspondence addressed to the Body Corporate
  • Supply information under S.205(4) and copies of records under S.205(2)(b) of the Act.
  • Receive, acknowledge and bank all monies paid to the Body Corporate.
  • Keep the books of account for the Body Corporate.
  • Make payments for expenditure relating to the Body Corporate
  • Prepare the annual accounts and Administrative Fund budget for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Issue all levy notices, ensure collection, including follow-up if necessary.
  • Ensure that proper and adequate insurances are effected and renewed on time and lodge insurance claims when necessary.
  • Assist the resident manager or proprietors in arranging services of tradesmen, but not be responsible for the upkeep of the common property. The final responsibility for maintenance and ensuring work is satisfactorily carried out lies with the proprietors.
  • Assist with obtaining one (1) quote for repairs when requested by Committee.
  • Assist in the enforcement of the By-Laws by issuing contravention notices where necessary.
  • Have custody of the Common Seal and attest to its affixation.
  • Advise proprietors on matters of procedure and management when required.


Maintenance of common property

The manager is not responsible for the maintenance of the common property, but may organise work if the committee asks them to.

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